How to Teach a Funtastic Sport Unit
Sport is important to children and loving the ability to play and being good at sports is a strong social asset. Young children in particular use sports and games as a social tool to engage with friends and peers. The primary goal of teachers, coaches and parents is to help children find the success
in sport they need to make them feel valued and wanted. In the
FUNTASTIC SPORT unit these concepts will be explored through a
variety of games and activities.
This unit will be lots and lots of fun! This is a great way to watch your
students achieve together and consolidate everything learnt in a year
of P.E. Have a look at the Primary PE Funtastic Sport Lessons Pack
(click the link to the side). You will be fully equipped to teach a huge
range of activities for your grades 3 – 6 and help make teaching
Funtastic Sports lots of FUN!